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Emi started music lessons at Yamaha Music School at the age of 3. She studied psychology and music therapy in college and has applied that training over several years of hands-on teaching. She has offered piano lessons to over 20 children for several years and is licensed to teach Kindermusick and Musikgarten. She is a member of ECMMA (the Early Childhood Music and Movement Association.

東京のヤマハ音楽スクールで3才から音楽に触れて育ち、大学では音楽療法と心理学を学びました。Kindermusik Musikgarten(共に幼児音楽プログラム)の教師免許を所有し、全米のECMMA (Early Childhood Music & Movement Association 早期幼児音楽・リトミック教育委員会)の会員でもあります。